Aitha Pure Ghee
Aitha is a kind of Lakhamari which is softer than its complimentary popular general lakhamaris. Aitha is made up with a mixer of Aata and Maida(Flour). Its texture comes with how the dough is mixed and how it is cooked. It is generally sugar coated but as demands for sugar free are increasing sugar free Aitha are also available which is made with alternative to sugar ingredients and tastes as sweet as the sugar coated ones.
Aithas are also available without sugar for those who are either diabetic or wants it sugar less.
As it is a traditional sweet made in Pure Ghee and has long shelf life, it is highly popular among the locals as well as for gifting and are sent abroad to friends and family as a packet of love. It is used as a tradition in all kinds of ceremonies like marriage, bratabanda or belbivah etc.
Packing comes in Plastic Pouch, Sealed Container or a Paper Box with all ingredients and design printed on it.